I would say that I am different from others in my photography and image making,
but i guess we all are in some ways. I consider myself a non artistic person who only picks
up art when I am bored or well thats it. When I look at a professional piece of work or even when
I sometimes see inside a store the picture or art is so different from mine. I would say I do not
follow the basic rules of arts or really know the concept of what it us. Which would be knowing what
the deeper meaning is behind a piece.
Photography wise I would say I rarely participate. Yes, I have an Iphone which is supposedly known
for its good quality in picture taking, but I am more of a screenshot person. Besides that everyone
is a photogrpher in this new age. In the reading, In Plato's Cave, something that stood out was,
"The photographer has the choice between a photograph and a life, to choose the photograph". I
interprted it as people think recording is the only solution, but maybe this has nothing to do
with whats going on in this paragraph.
I liked this story a lot. Although it had heartache it resonates with me. Kadiatu's children continuosly got sick and died over the course of several years. She kept going to the towns healer and he would say oh your child had the devil inside them and it wasn't true. I got excited when she finally decided to go to the doctor herslef and for her other children. I was so pleased to see the ending and her with her two children alive and healthy. It only took her 6-8 kids to finally go to a real doctor though which is the sad part. Doctors aren't always right, but they sure can help with your sickness or atleast tell you what you may have. Why did it resonate with me? I want to be a doctor myself one day! Specifically in the public health field where I will deal with diseases and hopefully find cures to combat it.
I just want to say that I wish I can earn money by playing the games I love. I know that I possibly can, but I would have to be somewhat good at the games I play or be a popular streamer. Besides that I'm glad that RK was able to find something enjoyable and rewarding from the Axie game. When I was a bit younger I would click on those ads that said download poker game and earn real money prizes. It was either a scam or I do not know how to play pocker. So Axie coin seems likes a new form of currency abroad such as Crypto, Bitcoin and NFTS. I don't know if I would willingly put money into it, but if I had access to this game for free and I can play to earn that would be cool!
Reading the first few paragraphs I was just staring into space. I realized that Bitcoin has been like a common word associated with scams sometimes. For example when I watch NCIS or a spy tv show the bad guy is always hiding money through some sort of fake name, bank or using Bitcoin. I think it's pretty cool, but they always got caught in the end. In the article it mentioned that it had "leaks" and I do not think people who can not afford to lose money should invest in this. But it is their choice to do whatever. From what I read I feel like its a scam. It mentioned how one user bought bitcoin and kept repurchasing something so that its value can increase. I find that smart, but they got caught. Bitcoin reminds me of the app CashApp, another thing not to be trusted! The overall article was informative, but I could barely comprehend what they were talking about when they went into more detail about data anaylitics.